“I am on the edge of the crowd, at the periphery; but I belong to it, I am attached to it by one of my extremities, a hand or foot. I know that the periphery is the only place I can be, that I would die if I let myself be drawn into the center of the fray, but just as certainly if I let go of the crowd. This is not an easy position to stay in, it is even very difficult to hold, for these beings are in constant motion and their movements are unpredictable and follow no rhythm. They swirl, go north, then suddenly east; none of the individuals in the crowd remains in the same place in relation to the others. So I too am in perpetual motion; all this demands a high level of tension, but it gives me a feeling of violent, almost vertiginous, happiness.” —Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus The phrase "Why am I here?" on a stylized background. An ink drawing of a chaotic wiry shape, very openAn ink drawing of a chaotic wiry shape, closed off An ink drawing of two faces with the hair blown back by windAn ink drawing of a face being pressed in by various hand-like shapes An ink drawing of a strange figure, with something growing where its head would be, and something spilling out of the bottom of the pageAn ink drawing vaguely inspired by a pomegranate, drawn on a yellow sticky note An ink drawing of various abstract shapesAn ink drawing of a bulbous, veiny shape hanging down from the top of the page, drawn on a lined notebook page